PIA Press Release
Family values seen key to solving problems of the youth
Tacloban City (July 14) -- Enhancing family values is the key to solving the problems concerning the youth of today. This is the consensus of those present during the Harampang Ha PIA held in connection with the World Population Day held on July 11.
Education begins at home as early as when the child is in the womb of the mother. Whatever values the parents have will be imbibed by the baby. If the baby is loved then she will learn to love others. If she is respected, he will respect other people too.
When the child starts going to school, the teachers will immediately know what kind of learning she had at home. Her new environment, the teachers, the classmates, will again teach her new facets of character.
This is the reaction to the recommendations of the Young Adolescents Fertility and Sexuality Survey (YAFSS) which says that access to reproductive and family planning services must be given to the youth in order to prevent the high incidence of teenage pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies.
By doing so, is just like telling the youth that they are free to indulge in things which they are not yet ready to do and be accountable for them, most reactors opined. No medical practitioner or health service provider will give artificial contraceptives to the youth, other respondents reacted.
The best thing is to bring back the good family values of yesteryears, inculcate them on the youth and they will surely not go wrong. The youth in the past were not allowed to go out without a mature person to go with them. Nowadays, the youth are seen around without a chaperons.
The school, the family, the church alone cannot educate the youth the proper values because the environment especially the media is full of shows which are not yet appropriate to be seen by the youth, a media practitioner said.
It all goes back to the family, because the parents must be able to supervise the youth in the shows they are watching and the reading materials they are reading. (PIA 8) [top]